Sunday, November 14, 2010

It has been a busy week.  Monday I was able to go along to bring Alicia to school, not my normal day but PJ had his pre-surgery doctor appointment that day so I took some time off work to bring him.  That wasn't until later in the morning so we had time.  The next day was re-adoption day so we went downtown for our court appearance.  The Viteks were part of our first group to China, it was fun running into them while we were there.  They just got home a month or two ago with their new son so it was great to meat him.  Then on Friday the 12th, PJ had his second surgery on his palate.  It was a longer surgery than I expected, but they were done after a couple hours.  The surgeon said it went like clockwork and all looked good when he was done.  PJ took it like a Champ!  He was a little fussy at first, but that was expected and understood!!  He quickly quieted down however and was happy with me just holding him.  He was awake most of the afternoon and even ate some applesauce and pudding.  I slept with him in his big boy hospital bed in the 24hour observation unit.  No, not much sleep but it could have been worse. The next morning he was all smiles and ate some eggs, pancakes and yogurt!

November 8, on the way to school.
Look who we ran into----The Viteks!

PJ being served his papers.

While we wait to be called into court.

After our court appearance.


Two hours later in the 24 hour observation room, bed #7 out of 11 total.

Next Morning he was all smiles!
More Smiles!

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